segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015

understand the tragedy of Mariana, Minas Gerais

What happened in Minas? Because it has a lot of city full of mud?
Two dams of the mining company Samarco broke in the town of Mariana (MG), on Thursday (5). These dams had mud, solid waste and water. These debris are the result of mining in the region.
How big is the damage? Very large?
At least 128 homes were hit by the wave of mud and waste. Officially, the death toll is six people and missing, 22 -11 employees of mining company Samarco and 11 residents of Bento Rodrigues and Camargos districts. Debris from river dams took account Gualaxo and came to the city of Long Bar, 60 km from Mariana and 215 km from Belo Horizonte. Mariana six locations, and Bento Rodrigues, were hit. Experts say the mud that comes down the river Doce reach in total an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers in the Espirito Santo coast - an area equivalent to more than six times the size of the city of São Paulo. Losses are estimated at more than R $ 100 million, according to the mayor Mariana Duarte Junior.
Who is to blame? Earthquake? Rain? Neglect?
The prosecutor of Minas Gerais opened an investigation, conducted by five prosecutors, to determine the causes and responsibilities. Samarco said he recorded two small tremors in the area two hours before the break at about 16:20 on Thursday. It is not known what caused these tremors - it would be earthquakes or the virtue of the disruption. Ibama will fine Samarco of R $ 100 million.
This sludge can infect people?
The mining company has ensured that there is nothing toxic in the 62 million cubic meters of iron ore tailings released during the accident.
What company is this, Samarco? It is the government?
No, it's a private company. Vale (mining that was state and was privatized during the Cardoso government) is one of the shareholders of Samarco, with a 50% stake through a joint venture with BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company.
Can you help the people there? How I do?
Yes. Several organizations and volunteers mobilize to receive donations and to welcome the victims, passing 500. According to Mariana Prefecture, priorities are donations of personal use materials such as toothbrushes, bath towels, glasses, cutlery and disposable dishes and drinking water. For donations outside the municipality, the Mariana City Hall has provided a bank account in the Bank of Brazil through the CNPJ: 18295303 / 001-44, agency: 2279-9, Current Account: 10000-5.

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