domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015

Researcher believes that substance developed at USP cure cancer

'The fosfoamina is there, available to anyone who wants to cure cancer, "he says.
Patients went to court to obtain capsules in São Carlos, Brazil.

A retired professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) believes that managed to develop a substance that can cure cancer. Gilberto Orivaldo Chierice coordinated for more than 20 years studies with synthetic phosphoethanolamine that mimics a substance present in the body and signals for removing cancer cells by the immune system. "The fosfoamina is there, available to anyone who wants to cure cancer," said the expert.
As shown by G1, the drug was provided free in San Carlos, but a university ordinance prohibited the distribution to the registration with the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and patients who were aware of studies went to court to get the capsules. When contacted, Anvisa said it did not identify a formal process for evaluating the product in their records and that there was by the research institution no practical initiative or attitude towards transforming the product into a drug. According to the agency, for the record, in addition to the request, it needs to present documents and medical tests.
But, according to Chierice the substance, also known as fosfoamina not hit the market for "ill will" of the authorities. He said he sought Anvisa four times and was reported missing clinical data. "That is the claim of everyone. But it's full of drugs in this country who do not have clinical data," he declared.
He then asked the agency to a public hospital where he could carry out further tests - the researchers say, in the 90s, the substance was tested at a hospital in Jau - but said he did not get back. Anvisa denies he was formally sought.
The retired teacher explained that with the intake of the capsules, the cancer cells are killed and the tumor disappears between six and eight months of treatment. "But it is evident that a case is different from the other," he said, stressing that the period may vary according to each immune system.
It also counted as the substance reacts and says there is already another country interested in manufacturing it. "We may have to buy that product the international market cost because it is already beginning to bore stay all this time trying to not get" fired in the interview granted to the reporter Rafael Castro and reproduced below.
EPTV - What substance is this?
It is the combination of a very common substance used in many hair shampoos, called monoethanolamine, and phosphoric acid, which is a food preservative. The combination of these two compounds produces a substance called phosphoethanolamine, which is a marker of differentiated cells, which are considered cancer cells.
EPTV - As it acts in the body?
This substance ourselves manufacture within the long muscle cells and liver endoplasmic reticulum. So we can not call it natural product because it is synthesized, but your body already makes for the same purpose: to defend you at all times of your life cells that differentiate.
EPTV - In practice, this substance reinforces what we already have? How it acts in the cancer cell?
First, it passes the digestive tract to the bloodstream, it goes to the liver and forms a reaction with the fatty acid. What is this fatty acid? It is the substance that is fed to the tumor. It tumor energy. And it goes along with this substance inside the cell. When she comes in, that cell is relatively still, ie the main organelle her, called mitochondria, is stopped. It forces the mitochondria to work and when it forces, it denounces to the immune system and the cell is settled, is called apoptosis (see the process in the video below).
EPTV - The efficacy of the substance was more evident on some kind of tumor?
Tumors have cells similar in its mechanism anaerobic calls. Anaerobic tumor cells, all of them yielded by the action of fosfoamina.
EPTV - There was a type of tumor efficacy has greater?
It can not make this measure because, first, we are not doctors. I would have to have a partnership with the doctor for him to show the effectiveness of each. This has never been done.
EPTV - Is there any contraindications? The capsule has to be ingested before the person to do chemotherapy?
There is no "before" because it does not work as an adjunct. If you blow the immune system of the person, the results are not good because the action of fosfoamina requires that the immune system is intact. If there is no chemotherapy which destroys the immune system, perfect, may be combined.
EPTV - You have an idea of ​​how many people have benefited from this substance in the last 20 years?
Lately we made about 50,000 capsules per month. This equates to 60 each person, 800 people or close to a thousand people a month. Now how many people have benefited I am not able to say because many of them, who were terminally ill, are there, alive. So I can not say how many people were healed.
EPTV - You published this study in several scientific journals. How many in total?
Today I suppose there are nine to ten work in the best oncology journals in the world, which are international journals, along with the staff of the [Institute] Butantan, and explain the fosfoamina mechanism of action.
EPTV - There was interest from another country that formula. What can hapen?
We may have to buy this drug at cost international market because it is already beginning to bore stay all this time trying and you can not create difficulties I can not explain. I am a 25 year old man of science, I'm no amateur, and not be amateur, I know the procedures of things, how it works. If it is not possible here, the best thing is another country to benefit people because it is no flag. Humanity needs someone to do something to cure their ills.
EPTV - A cure for cancer exists?
Not only for fosfoamina, there must be about a dozen other things, but fosfoamina is there, available to anyone who wants to cure cancer.
EPTV - And why the approval is taking so long? Why Anvisa's taking so long to release?
The reason is very simple: I think there is an unwillingness. Because, if there was goodwill, it had already been applied in government hospitals, as experimental data, phase I, phase II, phase III, all is ready. Now what is lacking is within law standards, clinical data, so I'm told atAnvisa all this time. I think there is an unwillingness.
EPTV - And while this "ill will" continue, many people with the disease, and the cure is closer than most people think, is not it?
Yeah, I think so. Healing is much closer. And if you still say that lack enhance something would have to be improved going forward, not going back. Going back're all set.
EPTV - This substance is a cure for cancer?
I believe so, I believe so. Not only this as a lot of them that could come from derivatives.
Understand the case
On the 17th, the G1 showed that cancer patients fight in court to the USP provide synthetic phosphoethanolamine capsules. According to users, relatives and lawyers, the medicinal accumulate satisfactory results in combating disease, including healing reports, but has no record at Anvisa and therefore is only being delivered by court order.
The drug, whose capsule is produced for less than R $ 0.10, led to the emergence of discussions on the internet and a resident of Santa Catarina that distributed free was arrested. In an interview with G1, Charles Kennedy Witthoeft said it was "with consciousness alone."
During a visit to São Carlos (SP), he told how he met the substance, pointed to by researchers as an alternative treatment for cancer, why would donate it and what happened after being arrested and charged with drug counterfeiting. "There's no way to measure what we felt every person who came to speak he was cured," he said.

Attacks in Paris: What are the consequences for Europe?

Attacks in France creates fear and mistrust among Europeans, who charge more concrete actions for security on the continent.
Taking the train on the night of Friday from Paris to Brussels, I had a bad feeling ─ as well as people who had boarded with me.
I could see the nervousness in their eyes as they sought their seats and at the same time, looked sideways shy and suspicious manner. How could we know who could there be suspicious?
Those who sought to spread fear and mistrust, undermining the security and stability of Europe ─ that, in general, we take for granted - got what they wanted.
Since that happened the attacks in Paris ─ all in common places, we attend on a daily basis ─ in a restaurant, on a show and close to a football stadium, there is a feeling of "vulnerability" in Europe: between parents with small children in crowded buses, between couples in love going to the movies.
Roma are installing metal detectors at the Coliseum after the FBI warned the city that Italian monuments could be "targets of terrorism."
Brussels has canceled an annual festival of students in the city center because of security concerns. On Saturday, the Belgian capital raised the terror alert to the maximum level.
The Copenhagen Airport had one of its terminals closed after a warning about a "suspicious package".
Sweden raised the national alert after receiving information about a planned attack ─ same reason the friendly between Germany and the Netherlands was canceled hastily in Hannover midweek.
There are armed guards and soldiers on the subway train stations.
There are military operations going on in residential areas in Paris and Brussels, and the search for gunmen and other suspects linked to attacks in the French capital continues.
The persons accompanying news are used to seeing this kind of disturbing image in the Middle East. But now they fear the chaos and bloodshed has come "at the doorstep".
United against the "EI"?
French President Francois Hollande, who usually does not usually talk much, already proclaimed a "war" against the group calling itself "Islamic state" this week.
Agree with him or not, these words have enormous consequences ─ for the French foreign policy in the Middle East, for civil liberties in France and for Europe as a whole.
The public outrage that engulfed the world after the attacks in Paris united European countries (at least superficially) ─ after a period of disagreements over the flow of immigrants and the euro crisis.
And the attacks in Paris can also "catalyze" a movement to bring Russia closer again.
France declared that wants to destroy the "EI" after the extremist group has taken over the authorship of the attacks in the French capital. But France can not do it alone. Russia is the leading candidate to help her in this task ─ and Moscow wants to seize the moment to end the sanctions imposed on the country after the annexation of the Crimea Peninsula.
The recent G20 meeting in Turkey had scenes that would be considered unlikely until then: the Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking to the US president, Barack Obama, and the UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
It is still early to talk about a great "anti-coalition EI", but there are rumors that it may come soon.
Schengen Agreement
The timing is also critical for security issues in Europe.
The French Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, rebuked his fellow ministers for having "long lost" in the fight against terrorism and called for concrete actions.
Now the debate is being directed to the Schengen Agreement, signed in 1997, which sealed the free movement of people in 26 countries of the European Union.
The agreement is considered one of the greatest achievements of the European Union, but now has been criticized because it also ended up allowing the free movement of terrorists ─ one of the mentors of the attacks, for example, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, born in Belgium, traveled from Syria to the France without being identified.
France is now asking for a more effective use of the Schengen Information System, a database that would allow the security forces do alerts about individuals, objects and vehicles.
The country also wants to facilitate passenger information sharing traveling by plane and supports the creation of a genuine European agency to police the external borders ─ something that some ministers have objected.
The political promises tend to multiply after atrocities like those perpetrated in Paris, but a British security adviser told me that the secret services like to keep their information as well, secret.
Unfortunately, Europe has been the target of several terrorist attacks recently.
After Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005 and the attack on French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, promises were made of a "cooperation across borders."
But it eventually became, in effect, a "dispute between the borders."
Perhaps now occur differently.
There is a sense of greater urgency, with a growing prospect of further attacks.
The followers of Le Pen in France, the Wilders fans in the Netherlands, and of the Salvini in Italy want Europe to create a bridge with immigrants, but attacks in Paris raised the jihadist problem growing indoors.
The attacks on innocents in Paris are having a huge impact on Europe as a whole.
Discussions on immigrants, borders, the Schengen agreement, civil liberties, Assad, the Islamic State and etc are boiling.
But once things are settling, which proposals and discussions will turn into concrete actions?

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

More than seven hours and 5,000 shots later, France avoided a new attack

The dust settled late morning in Saint-Denis, spent more than seven hours of fierce fighting between the French authorities and jihadists barricaded team. They were fired close to 5,000 shots per one of the ten officers of special forces who took by storm the number eight of Corbillon Street. In between, a young woman blew himself up. Before the operation, the police believed was to get to the building where he hid the orchestrator of the attacks of Paris. I would be on the third floor. So they told them wiretapping, testimony and surveillance of suspects.

Eight people were arrested and at least two died while cable operations, but the prosecutor of Paris did not open the game. François Molins said on Wednesday not know whether the Belgian Abaaoud died in the raid, refused to specify how many bodies are in the building and to give the identity of the detainees. He said forensic experts are still examining the bodies.

Just said Abaaoud, the jihadist to hand over five terrorist attacks in Europe, and Salah Abdeslam, the eighth attacker of Paris, were not arrested. The same happens with the second presumably fleeing suspect. Ie if it is not Abaaoud, which until now was thought to be in Syria. Police are certain that participated in the attacks on bars and restaurants of 10th and 11th districts of the capital. They saw him in a video, but little else seems to know about it.

The US daily Washington Post is not so cautious. Cites two senior members of the next European research to ensure that the Abaaoud body has been identified. The same newspaper and others in the French press also writes that the woman who blew himself up was a cousin of his. Three of the detainees were captured as soon as the special forces arrived at the building. Now the two alleged extremists dead, police withdrew two other suspects from the debris caused by the explosion of the suicide bomber - the detonation took place inside the building, which hesitated, but did not collapse. It was also arrested the landlord of the apartment and "an acquaintance". Nothing is known about the eighth arrest.

What is the Islamic State?

Molins advanced with the results of the day. More likely is that the operation in Saint-Denis has prevented a new attack in Paris. "It makes you understand" that those detained and those who died in the assault were about to go into action. According to the prosecutor, the building found himself "a total war arsenal," which included Kalashnikov automatic rifles, ammunition and explosives. Hours after the end of operations, Reuters progressed that this cell of Saint-Denis was preparing an attack on the commercial district of La Defense.

Fugitive yet
With each passing day, add up the possible failure indications in the activities of European intelligence agencies, unable to prevent attacks on Paris despite all the identified terrorists - two to go, yet - be the French and Belgian records as radical presumed. Belgium has admitted that this Wednesday questioned and oversaw both Abdeslam brothers before the attacks but did not consider so dangerous enough that they held. Salah is now at large and Ibrahim blew himself up in Voltaire Comptoir restaurant, after a massacre of dozens of people in bars and Parisian restaurants.

"We knew they were radicalized and they could go to Syria," said the European version of Politico magazine a spokeswoman for the attorney general of Belgium. "But they showed no possible threat signal. Even if we had warned, I doubt they could have caught them, "he said.

François Molins de Paris confirmed that Salah was stopped by police on Saturday morning at the entrance to Belgium. Your name, however, had not yet been transmitted to the authorities who let go. The prosecutor in Paris has not confirmed whether the two men arrested on Saturday in Brussels and yet accused of terrorist activities were who made the trip with Salah, since after the attacks.

segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015

understand the tragedy of Mariana, Minas Gerais

What happened in Minas? Because it has a lot of city full of mud?
Two dams of the mining company Samarco broke in the town of Mariana (MG), on Thursday (5). These dams had mud, solid waste and water. These debris are the result of mining in the region.
How big is the damage? Very large?
At least 128 homes were hit by the wave of mud and waste. Officially, the death toll is six people and missing, 22 -11 employees of mining company Samarco and 11 residents of Bento Rodrigues and Camargos districts. Debris from river dams took account Gualaxo and came to the city of Long Bar, 60 km from Mariana and 215 km from Belo Horizonte. Mariana six locations, and Bento Rodrigues, were hit. Experts say the mud that comes down the river Doce reach in total an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers in the Espirito Santo coast - an area equivalent to more than six times the size of the city of São Paulo. Losses are estimated at more than R $ 100 million, according to the mayor Mariana Duarte Junior.
Who is to blame? Earthquake? Rain? Neglect?
The prosecutor of Minas Gerais opened an investigation, conducted by five prosecutors, to determine the causes and responsibilities. Samarco said he recorded two small tremors in the area two hours before the break at about 16:20 on Thursday. It is not known what caused these tremors - it would be earthquakes or the virtue of the disruption. Ibama will fine Samarco of R $ 100 million.
This sludge can infect people?
The mining company has ensured that there is nothing toxic in the 62 million cubic meters of iron ore tailings released during the accident.
What company is this, Samarco? It is the government?
No, it's a private company. Vale (mining that was state and was privatized during the Cardoso government) is one of the shareholders of Samarco, with a 50% stake through a joint venture with BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company.
Can you help the people there? How I do?
Yes. Several organizations and volunteers mobilize to receive donations and to welcome the victims, passing 500. According to Mariana Prefecture, priorities are donations of personal use materials such as toothbrushes, bath towels, glasses, cutlery and disposable dishes and drinking water. For donations outside the municipality, the Mariana City Hall has provided a bank account in the Bank of Brazil through the CNPJ: 18295303 / 001-44, agency: 2279-9, Current Account: 10000-5.

the 15 wonders of the world

You've probably heard the 7 wonders of the world, and you may be wondering where we get 15 wonders of the world, is not it? Well, the fact is that they are even 15: 7 wonders of the ancient world and eight wonders of the modern world, with an honorary degree.                                                              The 7 Wonders of the World:
The 7 Wonders of the World (which are actually 8 because of an "honorary title") was a "new edition" made by the Swiss organization "New Open World Corporation", where they elected the wonders that exist today and many do not They are as old. Everything was done by free vote online and the public.                                                                                                                                                                                         Giza necropolis - (honorary title)                                                                                                             
Yes, it is on both lists, in old and new, as during voting realized they could not "get rid of them", after they were out of the new list would be absurd, but it was already on the old list, then it would be a repeat ... finally reached a "compromise", and gave them an honorary degree in the new list!               great Wall of China 

Also known as the "Great Wall", it is an impressive military architectural structure built during the Imperial China. It began to be erected in the year 220 BC, during the Ming Dynasty, and continued to be increased over approximately 2000 years! If, in the past, it was essentially a military defense, today it is a symbol of China and a tourist attraction of the most famous and sought after. Its size is impressive: there are 21,196 kilometers in total, and about 7 meters high! 

Located in Jordan, do not know the correct date of its construction, but it is believed to be around 312 BC The entire building, including its interior, is carved in the rock, hence its name "petra". She always impressed the world since the Roman Empire until today.
His initial construction began around 69 AD by Vespasian, and lasted about 20 years. Eventually it opened, although incomplete, Emperor Titus and could hold up to 50,000 spectators, on 3 floors. Then it was further expanded with a fourth floor and can house then about 90,000 people, more than the Maracanã! Finally it was completed by Domitian, son of Vespasian, around 81-96 AD
Chichen Itza
It is estimated that Chichén-Itzá was founded around the years 435 and 455 BC and is located in the Mexican state of Yucatan, which was the capital of the Mayan civilization. There are several structures, such as the pyramid of Kukulkan, the Chac Mool Temple, the Hall of the Thousand Pillars, and the Playing Field of the Prisoners, which can be admired today. The Chichén-Itzá name is of Mayan origin and means "people living on the edge of the water."
Machu Picchu

It was only discovered in 1911 and its original name is Machu Pikchu, which means "old mountain". Located on top of a mountain, at 2400 meters altitude in the valley of Urubamba, Peru today, it was built in the fifteenth century by Pachacuti. Few people know that only about 30% of the city's original construction, the rest was rebuilt. And it's very easy to know which parts refurbished by the handles of stones: in the original construction stones were larger, and with millimetric fittings, with very little space between the rocks.
Taj Mahal
With its dome made with gold thread, it is actually a mausoleum, and was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Aryumand Banu Begam, whom he called Mumtaz Mahal ("The Jewel of the Palace"). So it is also known as the world's love of race. It is located in Agra, India, along the river Yamuna and is the best known monuments of the country. The work was done between 1632 and 1653 with a force of about 20,000 men. It is inlaid with semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli among others. It is assumed that the emperor intended to make a replica of the Taj Mahal on the other side of the river, black marble, which would serve to himself, but ended up dead before the start of works by one of his sons.
Christ the Redeemer

Located on top of Corcovado Mountain, 709 meters high, in Rio de Janeiro, the monument was created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot, between 1922 and 1931 . It was inaugurated on October 12, 1931, feast of Our Lady Aparecida. In a survey by America Economia magazine, in 2011, Christ the Redeemer was considered by 23.5% of respondents as the greatest symbol of Latin America. Christ the Redeemer is the second largest sculpture of Christ in the world, behind the Christ the King statue in Poland, and is made of reinforced and soapstone concrete, is 30 meters tall, not counting the eight meters of the pedestal, their arms stretch for 28 meters wide and weighs 635 tons.

The 7 wonders of the ancient world:
The list of seven ancient wonders was made from an old poem by the Greek poet Antipater of Sidon. In fact almost all disappeared or there are only a few unrecognizable ruins. Only remaining virtually intact to this day the pyramids of Egypt.
Pyramid of Cheops
Built more 4500 years, around the year 2550 BC, is the only one of the ancient wonders that remains virtually intact. With 147 meters high was the largest and tallest man-made construction for over 4000 years, and was only surpassed in 1889, with the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
In fact there is little historical information about it, we know only that it was built around 600 BC on the banks of the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq), but is known only by illustrations, as it has never been its ruins were never found.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

It was made in honor of Zeus, king of the Greek gods. 12 meters high, it was built in gold, ivory and decorated with precious stones. After 800 years, it was taken to Constantinople (now Istanbul), which is believed to have been destroyed in 462 AD by an earthquake.
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
It was built by Cretan architect Chersiphron and his son, Metagenes, in honor of the Greek goddess Artemis in 550 BC, the largest temple of the ancient world. Located in Ephesus (modern Turkey), was destroyed in 356 BC by Herostratus, who had the preposterous idea of demolishing the temple to become famous throughout the world ... Knowing this, the townspeople never disclosed his name only was known because the historian Strabo. Today there is only one pillar of the original building on its ruins.
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
A sumptuous tomb that was built in 353 BC by Artemisia II in honor of her husband and brother (!) Mausolus. The word mausoleum mausoleum is derived from the Latin name of the monument.
Colossus of Rhodes
It was a giant statue of the Greek god Apollo, near the Greek island of Rhodes, and every boat passing between his legs to reach the port of the island. It was completed in 280 BC by the sculptor Chares of Lindos. Was 30 meters high and seventy tons of bronze and his right hand was a beacon that guided the ships at night. But only lasted 55 years, being destroyed by an earthquake that threw on the seabed. Still, it was still so impressive that many travelers were there to see it below d'even water there. Then it was forgotten until the arrival of the Arabs, who sold it for scrap ...
Lighthouse of Alexandria

It was built by Ptolemy I in the year 280 BC by the Greek architect and engineer Sostratos of Knidos. Had between 115 and 150 meters high, and for more than five centuries was one of the tallest manmade structures. Inside it burned a flame that was amplified and reflected by mirrors and could be seen up to 50 kilometers away. This lighthouse was the second structure that lasted longer then the pyramids, and was destroyed by an earthquake in 1375. Its ruins were found by divers in 1994.

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2015


Halloween (Halloween is the original name in English) is a traditional cultural event, which takes place in Anglo-Saxon countries, with special emphasis in the United States, Canada, Ireland and the UK, on ​​the basis and origin celebrations the old people, and there is exactly precise references whence these celebrations.

The word Halloween comes from the Catholic Church.
It comes from a contracted tradition of November 1, the Day of All Saints, is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints.
But in the fifth century AD, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially concluded on October 31.
The holiday was Samhain, the Celtic New Year.
Some witches believe that the origin of the name comes from the word "Hallowinas" - the name given to female guardians of knowledge hidden from the northern lands (Scandinavia).

But scholars say the word Halloween came as follows:

The name is actually a shortened version of "All Hallows 'Even" (Night of All Saints), the eve of All Saints (All Hallows' Day).
"Hallow" is an Old English word for "holy person" and the day of all the "holy people" is just another name for All Saints Day, the day when Catholics commemorate all the saints. Over time, people began referring to the Night of All Saints, "All Hallows' Even" as "Hallowe'en" and then simply "Halloween".

Halloween marks the official end of summer and the beginning of the New Year.
Also celebrates the end of the third and final harvest of the year, the start of the provisions for winter storage, the beginning of the return period for grazing herds and the renewal of its laws.

It was a party with several names: Samhain (end of summer), Samhein, La Samon, or, Fiesta del Sol.
But what was it was the Scottish Hallowe'en.
One of the legends of Celtic origin says that the spirits of all who died during that year would come back in search of living bodies to possess and use the next year. The Celts believed to be the only hope of life after death.
The Celts believed all laws of space and time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.

As the living did not want to be possessed, on the night of October 31, they extinguished the torches and bonfires of their home so that they would become cold and unpleasant, put costumes and noisily paraded around the neighborhood, being as destructive as possible, in order to scare those who sought bodies to possess, (Panati).
The Romans adopted the Celtic practices, but in the first century after Christ, they abandoned them.
Halloween was brought to America in 1840 by Irish immigrants fleeing famine in which their country was and began to be known as the "Halloween".

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

salad revenue

How about innovating in the salad? Since spent the holiday, and as always the hype the table happened today we will teach a super appetizing salad with shrimp, bora learn ?!                                                          
For the salad
. 2 figs
. 2 tablespoons (soup) of chopped Brie cheese into cubes
. 8 to 10 prawns
. 1 small bowl with green leaves
. 1 tablespoon (soup) of toasted almonds on blades
For the reduction of balsamic
. 300 ml of balsamic vinegar
. 100 grams of sugar
Method of preparation
Prepare salad
From the cable, make a cut crosswise in fig, without going to the end. Fill with brie and bake for cheese melt. Grill the shrimp. Distribute the fruit, shrimp and leaves on a plate. Sprinkle with almonds and garnish with a balsamic reduction.
Prepare reduction balsamic
Mix the ingredients and cook until a light syrup.